A Thank You

KIMG1010Someone posted a link to a blog on Facebook. The title sounded intriguing, “How to be a rockstar homeschool spouse.” Who doesn’t want to be a rockstar homeschool spouse? Kara, the author, posted all about how, despite her wackiness and despite her being the primary teacher to their chidlren, she has acknowledged all the amazing hidden help she has received from her husband. She has challenged others to write a thank you to that special someone. So, here is mine:

To My Wonderful Husband,

You have entrusted me with your precious jewels. That is an amazing (and when I think about it, scary) thought! Even though we do not always see eye to eye, you still trust me.

There have been times when we have taken turns wondering if we are doing the right thing, yet, you still trust me.

I know that often times you do not feel like you contribute, but you should know that you are the staple of our lives. We know that you work hard to support us. You are always there for us.

Your precious jewels are precious to you and you make sure they get all that they need – from starting mishnayos at shul for them, to starting a new Boy Scout troop and being the Scoutmaster when no one else would take the position. You are the counselor for merit badges and you build antennas for radios with them. You take them biking (when it is not too hot!), and love to take all of us hiking in the woods.

You are also there for me. You listen to my frustrations, as well as all my excitement in planning our year. You smile when I am excited about getting a book, and you are there when the day was tough and I need you to take over when you come home.

You put up with us when the house is a mess, and are there celebrating with us with accomplishments.

It may not feel to you that you do much, but without you we couldn’t do it. You are our life support. All the little (and big) behind the scene things you do are what keep us all here.

Thank you and Happy Birthday to the best Daddy out there for our precious jewels!

To My Boys…I Love You With All My Heart ♥

heartTo the boy who painted a heart on my bathroom mirror – with toothpaste…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who has a high pitched voice that makes me cringe…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who used shoe polish on his shoes and then painted it on my mirror…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who needs to be the parent…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who I have to fetch for every single class for his nose is always in a book (not for school!)…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who just can’t seem to put anything away…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who knows best…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boys who throw tantrums…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boys who like to make food and bring a tornado into the kitchen…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who goes out every cold winter morning to start the car…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who comes up behind me in the mornings to give me a hug…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who makes me a cookie when I am not well…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who feels the pain of others…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boy who comes up to me to tell me he loves me more (a billion googolplex to be exact!)…
I love you 2 billion googolplex!

To the boys who just like to talk to me…
I love you with all my heart.

To the boys who have made me grow and become a better person… Thank you,
I love each and every one of you… with all my heart. ♥