To another successful Passover!

After a great passover, we are all glad to get our lives back to “normal”.  I had many helpers in the kitchen this year.  All the kids enjoyed getting their fingers going with peelers and many arms were used to stir delicious desserts.  Passover is the one time of year that ALL the kids get completely involved with things.  I was glad to have no grated fingers to kiss and patch up and grateful for all the help I did get (no matter how crazy it got!!).

The hardest part of the holiday was the eating part.  As much as #2 wanted to help make food, he wouldnt eat anything!!!  We had delicious foods that everyone else enjoyed but unless I made chicken, food was lacking in one person’s belly.  All of his favourite foods – rice, corn, pickles and pasta – were off limits the whole week.  Carrots and apples were the choice for this munchkin when he did get hungry (we only eat peeled fruits and veggies so he got awesome at peeling things!).    I think our breakthrough meal was when I pulled some meat out of the soup the last day at lunch time.  I basically told him he needs to eat a little of the meat (left over brisket that ended up in the soup) and then I fished out some cooked carrots to go with it.  Surprise!!!!!  Not only did he eat the entire piece of meat and carrots but he ENJOYED them!  He claims to know how something tastes by its looks but every so often he is surprised and enjoys the delicious foods that everyone else is eating.

So besides our kitchen and eating adventures we had a nice week and a half with everyone at home, catching up on play time, as well as finding a 2 year old wanting to grow up.  I spent all week working hard with #5 and we are finally potty trained.  She is sooooo pleased with herself!  She even managed to convince Daddy that she is big enough for earrings.  So yah, its been a big week here.

The one thing I found calming and fun today was having the boys help with challah baking.  #2 is GREAT in the kitchen and helped put the dough together with me.  Once ready to shape, all 3 boys made their own version of a “Shlissel Key”.   (The Sabbath after passover is considered a special day where we thank G-d for “opening the doors” to all the wonderful foods that the land of Israel provided for us after entering the land after 40 years of wondering.  Today challah is made into the shape of a key, baked with one inside it, or braided with a small dough shaped key placed on top.  It is considered a blessing for parnasa (wealth) ).  I definitely have some creative minds over here!

Its nice to have life back to “normal” and I am looking forward to working on our school work again.  We are very ready to finish up all our work (we are almost there!!) and enjoy some summer fun.  The weather is beautiful now and many moments are spent with fresh air.  I am sure it will make for some great learning moments.

Good Shabbos!!!



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